The Lebanese Elections Are Over: What Next?

On May 6th, Lebanon held its first parliamentary elections in nine years. Hezbollah was a big winner. The Shi’ite political…

7 years ago

Follow the Money: Sources of Terrorism Funding

© CNN Money[1] In 2015, ISIL’s annual revenue was estimated to range from $1 billion to $2.4 Billion.[2] The terror…

7 years ago

Legal Difficulties May Loom: Arms Sales Between The West and its Gulf Allies

According to John Irish and Emmanuel Jarry at Reuters, Saudi Arabia, and the U.A.E., “...are leading a coalition fighting the…

7 years ago

Unrest Over Austerity Measures in Tunisia

Unrest erupted across Tunisia following a government decision to implement a new finance act on January 1st, 2018. The act…

7 years ago

What Becomes of Returning ISIS Fighters?

Graphic from the Washington Post[1] Since the Islamic State's collapse in Syria and Iraq, returning jihadists pose a problem to…

7 years ago

Harrowing Death, Calls For Action: The Syrian Genocide Persists

The Assad regime has been conducting airstrikes on its own citizens for six years now. To date, more than a…

7 years ago

Iraq after Daesh

After years of conventional, media, and cyber warfare, Daesh has lost most of the areas that it seized in Iraq…

7 years ago

Women and their Role in Violent Extremism

Recruitment of women by violent extremist organizations has increased in recent years due to their value as strategic, political, and…

7 years ago

Syrian Conflict: When Great Powers Do Not Play Well Together

Syria remains a disaster; for the people who remain there, for those who’ve fled but hope one day to return…

7 years ago