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Investment in Prisons as a Counterterrorism Approach
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Crime, Punishment and Deradicalization
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Intra-Afghan Peace Talks in the Absence of Afghan Government
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The Caliphate’s Returnees? From the Refugee Camps of Syria to bin Laden’s Grave
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Returning Foreign Fighters: A Global Threat
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Lessons from Strasbourg
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Psyops: A New Frontier in Counterterror?
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ISIS: From Unified Caliphate to Decentralized Lone Wolves
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Defining the Problem and Reaching a Solution: A Reflection on How to Counter Violent Extremism
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A Brief History of Soviet Support for Terrorism
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Scandinavia: Striking the Balance and Setting the Precedent
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The Threat of Drone-Based Terror
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Lone Wolf Bio-Terror: Are We Prepared?
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Nuclear Terrorism: Threat Profile and Potential Impact
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No-Deal Brexit: Implications for Transnational Security
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Dividing The Union: How Terrorism Has Changed European Unity
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An Invisible Problem in Plain Sight
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How Foreign Critics Led the IRA to Disarm
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Brexit and Northern Ireland, Troubles Afoot?
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Legal Difficulties May Loom: Arms Sales Between The West and its Gulf Allies
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Terrorism in France: Past and Present
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The EU Calls for Removal of all Extremist Content on Social Media
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Vehicles as Tools of Destruction: The New Weapons of Terror
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Can Deradicalization Reduce Violent Extremism? This Expert Thinks So
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The Terrorist Threat in France: A Look at Prison Radicalization
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The United Kingdom and the Challenge of Far-Right Ideologies
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Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: Europe unsure of how to reintegrate the offspring of the Islamic State
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FIFA World Cup 2018: Russia taking security measures to prevent terrorist attacks during tournament
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A Dangerous Method:  Zurich University Study Exemplifies Double-Edged Sword of Migration Policy in Europe
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